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Dyslexic man seeking tractor accidentally purchases Nicholas Sparks novel

Local farmer, Old MacDonald, recently attempted to purchase a John Deere utility tractor via

What should have been a relatively straight-forward transaction became a living nightmare for MacDonald when, after waiting 4 to 7 business days, his package finally arrived.

"I should've known better than to try and buy something off of that magic box!" MacDonald screamed, indicating the computer in his living room. "Honest men don't do business all tangled up in the internetwebs! That's how the government keeps tabs on you! They track you through the wizard boxes and steal all your thoughts!"

Safely under the cover of his tinfoil hat, MacDonald rightly disposed of the machine after the mix-up.

MacDonald suffers from a rare form of self-diagnosed dyslexia, a chronic disorder that prevents him from correctly interpreting words. MacDonald's particular case makes words containing the vowels E, I, and O completely indecipherable.

The incident began when an ad appeared on amazon for a hardback copy of Nicholas Sparks' semi-popular novel 'Dear John'. Having been in search of a new tractor, and afflicted with his rare condition, the ad seemed too good to be true for MacDonald.

"$12.95 for a John Deere tractor?" exclaimed MacDonald after seeing the ad. "Say no more!"

Though he regrets the exploitation of his affliction and has vowed never to use the internet again, MacDonald has purported that 'Dear John' is "actually a pretty good read."

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